Saturday, September 21, 2013

23 five-minute hair style for busy mornings.

I repined a very interesting pin from Pinterest the other day. It was called "23 five-minute hair style for busy mornings." I decided to try a few of them to see how quick and easy they really were.

The Tease & Tie (Number 7)
This is a very simple hair style and it is very cute. It can be done very quickly and easily.

The Tidy Hair Bow (Number 6)
I love this style. It is very easy and all you need is a bobby pin and to know how to tie a bow!

The Two-Bobby-Pin Front Twist (Number 10)
This style is also very quick and easy. It stays put with two bobby pins securing it and can be done in only a few seconds.

The Single Twist (Number 13)
This hair style is simple and elegant. It can be worn to a formal occasion or to a casual event.

The Half-Down, Half-Up Twist (Number 22)
This style is very similar to the single twist, only this time, instead of pulling the hair straight back, you twist it back instead.

Pin it here:
The Original website:

Fall 3