Monday, January 6, 2014

Purederm Nose Pore Strips Review

While doing some after Christmas shopping I found nose pore strips at Forever 21. I had been looking for something like this for quite sometime so I decided to pick them up and try them out.

I got the "Tea Tree" version, there was also a charcoal version. In each box you get six strips. Before applying the strips you have to wet your nose down with water. You then apply the strip and press it down so that the whole strip is in contact with your skin.

This is my nose before the strip. I have quite a few black heads across my nose.

This is my nose after. Honestly it didn't do much. It did remove a few of the blackheads from the front of my nose, but nothing major. For the price I paid for the pack, I'm not to disappointed and I will probably use the rest of them in hopes of better luck!

Comment below if you know of any products or home remedies to remove blackheads and maybe I'll try them out and post about it! If I try your suggestion I will definitely give you credit.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for trying this! I know I would never! LOL
