Wednesday, November 13, 2013

DIY Salt Spray & Beach Waves Tutorial

Even though its November, luscious waves in your hair are super cute and easy to do! In this tutorial I will be showing you how to make your own salt spray, instead of going out and buying one, and how I get no heat waves while I sleep!

Here's what you'll need: An empty spray bottle (I got mine from the Dollar Store), Salt (In my house we use Himalayan Pink Salt, but any will work), and some sort of conditioner.

First add about a tablespoon of salt to the bottom of your bottle. I just eyeballed it. If you want more texture in your hair add a little bit more, if your hair already has a lot of texture you can add less.

Next add your conditioner. This is to add a nice scent to your hair and to help the salt not dry it out. I added about the same amount as the salt.

Fill your bottle the rest of the way with water and shake very well, making sure to dissolve all of the salt. I would suggest shaking it before each use.

Now for the beach waves tutorial. Spray the salt spray over damp or wet hair after you have combed or brushed it. Now scrunch it up with your fingers to give it a little bit of wave.

Next, divide your hair into two halves. Braid each section down to the tips. Now you can go get some beauty rest!

When you wake up, take out your braids. Your hair may still be a little damp in some spot depending on its thickness and that's fine! Spray a little more of the spray through your hair again, ONLY A LITTLE! Then scrunch your hair to add a little more volume. Use your straighter to fix the roots (if you need to) and the tips (also if you need to) and your done!

1 comment:

  1. I am going to have to try this and see how my hair reacts.
