Tuesday, October 15, 2013

DIY Hair Bow

Hair bows are definitely in right now, but you don't have to go out and buy one! You can make them right at home! Here's what you'll need:

Scissors, Ironed Fabric, Bobby Pins/Hair Clip/Alligator clips, needles, thread to match your fabric, measuring tape, and a fabric pencil. 

Now, measure your fabric to be 9.5 by 7 inches using your fabric pencil to mark off your measurements. 

Cut your fabric at the marked off spots. Don't worry about being perfect while cutting because the ends will be hidden once the bow is done. 

Fold the fabric long ways, folding both ends in, making them over lap a little bit. 

Now fold then outer ends in, making them over lap like in the last step. 

Flip over your fabric and pinch it in the middle to fold it into a bow. Play around with the folds until you are satisfied with the look. 

Stitch the middle folds until it is secure. Make sure you sew in the middle during this step or else your bow will be lop-sided. 

After you are done sewing the center, tie a knot in each end of the string to ensure that the stitching won't come undone. Don't worry if your sewing isn't perfect, it will be covered in the next few steps. 

Take a fabric scrap about the length of the bow by about one inch for your center covering. 

Fold this long ways, folding both ends in like you did with the large piece of fabric. 

Now wrap this piece of fabric around the center of your bow like shown above. Don't trim the extra now, it will make sewing difficult. 

Sew the center piece shut, getting as close to the bow as possible. 

Tie knots in your thread, then trim off the extra fabric as close to the stitching as possible. 

Slip a bobby pin in the back. If you'd like you can glue in an alligator clip with hot glue, but I didn't have any so I used the bobby pins instead. 

Now you have your very own hair bow! :) 

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