Friday, October 25, 2013

Halloween Make-up: Dead Girl

We all want to look great for Halloween, whether that be looking super cute or super spooky. Knowing how to make yourself look dead is huge when creating the perfect scary look. Here is my take on it.

First, white out your face. You can use any white face paint you want. There is white tube paint or water activated paint like the one I am using. Avoid your eye lids and under eyes. *WARNING* Moisturize before applying full face make-up or paint. It can dry out the skin ALOT.

Next draw circles around your eyes with black pencil eye liner. The top of the circle should be around your eye brow and the bottom should be about 3/4th of an inch under the eye. Fill in the circle with the eye liner and smug out with your finger. This will act as a base for the next step. *Skip this step and the next if you have black face paint. Just draw a circle around the eye with that and fill it in*

Now, take a matte black eye shadow and apply it over the eye liner you smudged out on your eyes. This may take a few coats to get it solid. With the same eye shadow contour under your cheek bones and on your temples. Smudge this out with your finger.

For the nose, apply the black eye liner first and smudge it out with your finger. Then apply black eye shadow on top. Dab a little bit of the white face paint on your lips if it is mouth safe. Don't worry about making it opaque because it is just a base.  *If you have black paint, use it on the nose.*

Find a blue eye shadow. I used the darkest color in Rimmel's Maritime palette. Apply this under your eyes to create bags, under the cheek bones and around the mouth. You also want to put it on your lips. With this step, make it a little messy. Things don't need to be symmetrical, after all you are dead.

You make up look is complete!

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